Liz J. Simpson is a Life coach, Transformational speaker and author known as “The Self-Discovery Diva”. She believes that empowerment and education are some of the tools that can be used to fight the war against domestic abuse of women. Liz guides women entrepreneurs who have survived abuse through the journey of self-discovery so that they can create the authentic business & lifestyle of their dreams. In this episode, Liz shares the methods she used to become a successful Transformational Speaker and Life Coach, after quitting her well-paying job.
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The Puzzle Pieces of Me
In her book, The Puzzle Pieces Of Me, a self-help memoir, Liz J. Simpson shares her heartfelt, moving story publicly for the very first time. As a college student on academic scholarship at a big ten university, Liz changes her major and unknowingly triggers a series of events that would cause her loss, rejection and the need to flee for the safety of her life. Within a blink of an eye, she became a homeless, abused, single mother on welfare living in a battered women shelter with an infant daughter.
Now a women’s empowerment speaker, author and “Inside-Out” Success Coach, Liz empowers each reader by sharing the valuable life lessons that she gained from the darkest time in her life. Each chapter is loaded with never before revealed events from her story, actionable teaching, empowering quotes, positive affirmations, learning exercises and even space to write your own personal reflections!