
14: Rainat Komolafe – Always ensure that your customers are satisfied

Rainat Komolafe is the CEO & Founder of BabiesEssence. She’s currently running two businesses; BabiesEssence which offers baby planning services and Nikktun a one stop shop for beauty products and more. Rainat is a passionate baby planner and entrepreneur who loves to match her clients with the best of everything. BabiesEssence is currently the only business in Nigeria that offers five baby planning services such as personal shopping, baby registry setup, baby shower planning, nursery set up and consulting services at once. She’s also happy to mentor anyone willing to go into a similar type of business. In this episode, Rainat shares her experience as budding entrepreneur.

Recommended Books

Rainat highly recommends Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill; a book which takes an in depth look at the power of the mind and personal belief and how these influence our success. Napoleon Hill uses examples of past success such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison to show how factors such as desire, the subconscious mind, faith and goals can interweave to create favorable conditions for success. The insight from this book will help you move from procrastination and fear to actualizing your goals.

Customer service

Rainat built her business around quality customer service, something she encourages all entrepreneurs to do despite the size of their business. Excellent customer service needs be at the heart of all business models in order to be successful, and although it can take extra resources, time and money, excellent customer service can generate positive word-of-mouth for your business, keep your customers happy and encourage them to purchase from you again.